Archaeological and Historical Guided Walks and Boat Trips in the Isles of Scilly
Guided tours on foot
Visit more remote sites
Stay longer and see more
A more relaxed alternative
Current schedule & latest news
Scilly Walks was established in 2000 and offers guided walks and boat trips to introduce you to the archaeology and history of the Isles of Scilly, a group of islands 28 miles off Land's End, Cornwall, England.
It is run by Katharine Sawyer, a qualified archaeologist who has lived on St Mary's, the largest of the islands, since 1999.
The islands are famous for their friendliness and tranquillity, their flowers and birds, their white sandy beaches and clear turquoise seas - and their ancient sites and historic monuments.
Between April and October 2025, I will be leading guided walks and boat trips to visit the archaeological and historical sites on many of the islands, including several of the uninhabited ones.
There are currently no plans for slideshows in 2025.